703 research outputs found

    Editorial: The impact of stress on cognition and motivation

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    This work was supported by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the project POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-007038. This article has been developed under the scope of the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), and the BIAL foundation, Porto, Portugal (grant number PT/FB/BL-2016-206)

    Investigation on the TAVAAS methodology as a country attractiveness framework. The weighting of the Sub-factors.

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    The purpose of this Master Thesis is to further analyse one of the most complete country attractiveness methodologies available and by the name of TAVAAS. This methodology is composed by already six investigated and validated factors but the problem lies on the sub-factor weighting as all sub-factors were equally weighted. As a result, based on primary and secondary research a hypothesis was formulated to address this problem and therefore validated with a study already done by a private national outsourcing agency (APDC). The results from this study were revealing of some aspects that led foreign companies to select a given country, which in this case was Portugal, and therefore some adjustments to the original model were performed as a way to translate the motivations behind the outsourcing moves of different companies. To conclude, a final model was elaborated, in which now sub-factors bear different weights, being this decision a combination of corporate country attractiveness assessment and secondary research on the relevance of the different matters in the sub-factors

    Gengivite Ulcerativa Necrosante (GUN): considerações periodontais

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    Introdução: A Gengivite Ulcerativa Necrosante (GUN) é uma das patologias orais com mais décadas de estudo. A sua designação foi evoluindo ao longo dos anos até ter sido englobada na categoria das doenças periodontais necrosantes (DPN). As lesões provocadas pela GUN são consideradas únicas entre as doenças periodontais, principalmente pela sua apresentação clínica bastante distinta (Rowland, 1999). Apesar de ser uma doença com sinais muito próprios e fatores predisponentes bem estabelecidos, a etiologia e patogénese das lesões são muito mal compreendidas. O objetivo deste trabalho é efetuar uma revisão bibliográfica dos principais conceitos relativos a esta doença, defini-la e classificá-la, assim como fazer uma abordagem ao seu diagnóstico e respetivo plano de tratamento. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa na base de dados da PubMed e da b-ON, utilizando como palavras-chave: “Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis”, AND “Necrotizing periodontal disease”. Apenas foram pesquisados artigos em português e inglês, não tendo sido empregues quaisquer limites temporais, resultando num total de 32 artigos, complementado com uma obra literária. Resultados/Conclusões: Após análise da literatura é possível verificar que, mesmo os estudos mais recentes, revelam muitas dúvidas sobre esta doença, apesar das décadas de existência. Porém todos os estudos são unânimes em realçar um aspeto muito importante, a realização de um diagnóstico precoce é a chave para um tratamento adequado, criando, aos pacientes, as condições mínimas necessárias para uma adequada higiene oral e alimentação, que até aí a doença os obrigava a privar.Introduction: The Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (NUG) is an oral pathology with most decades of study. Its name has evolved over the years until it's found in this new category of necrotizing periodontal diseases (DPN). Injuries caused by GUN are considered unique among periodontal diseases, mainly due to its rather distinctive clinical manifestation (Rowland, R. 1999). Although it´s a disease with quite unequivocal signs, the etiology and pathogenesis of its lesions remain misunderstood. The goal of this thesis is to execute a bibliographic review of the main concepts related to this disease, define it and categorize it, as well as carry out an approach to its diagnosis and treatment. Materials and Methods: Research was done in the data base of PubMed and b-ON, using as key-words: “Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis”, and “Necrotizing periodontal disease”. Portuguese and english articles were researched, not being used any temporal limits, which resulted a total of 32 articles, complemented with a literary work. Results / Conclusions: After the literature analysis it’s possible to verify that even the most recent studies demonstrate doubts regarding this disease, despite decades of existence. However all the studies are unanimous in emphasize a very important aspect, the achievement of an early diagnosis is the key to a suitable treatment, enabling patients, the necessary minimum conditions for a proper oral hygiene and nutrition, which until then was deprived by the disease

    Otimização do processo de monitorização de elétrodos seletivos de ião

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    During the Ion-selective electrode research process, there are a lot of manual calibrations needed in order to achieve better and more effective results. The main goal of most of the researchers in these areas is about the material behaviours and reactions, but there is no way to test them without building the electrode and testing against various possibilities and mediums. Due to this, the research process usually cannot be a continuous process, since there are some interruptions for the manual process to validate all the previous developments. The human based calibration process is fundamental for many conclusions, but, most of the calibrations logic can be implemented in a machine that automates the process, collects the data, and generates the necessary output. The main goal of this MSc thesis is to optimize the calibration process building a calibration box that is fully configurable, and can be replicated, replacing the researcher manual steps during the membrane testing. Herein, it is possible to find the selected hardware and software architecture used, and also the business logic implemented to achieve the automation of these process. The architecture and implementation were designed to be able to work with a digital potentiometer (Crison GLP 21 pH Potentiometer) and a digital precise fluid pump (Legato 100). The solution contains four main components: • External Devices (Digital pH Meter, Digital Peristaltic Pump); • Server side web services and web application; • Cloud Based Deployment (Serverless, Storage, Database); • Hardware automation box; The implementation of this thesis uses the following technologies: • Code: Java, Spring Boot, Spring Data; • Data: JSON, Excel XML OpenFormat, PostgresSQL; • Hardware: RaspberryPi, Relay Boards, LCD Display, Button, LED; • I/O: Ethernet, USB to RS232, RCA, BNC; • Cloud: Heroku Serverless; Heroku PostgresSQL; Amazon S3 Storage; All the membranes used were made by BioMark researchers.Durante o processo de pesquisa de eletrodos seletivos de íons, há muitas calibrações manuais necessárias para obter resultados melhores e mais eficazes. O objetivo principal da maioria dos investigadores nestas áreas ´e relativa aos comportamentos e reações dos materiais, mas não existe uma maneira de testá-los sem construir o elétrodo e testar contra várias possibilidades e meios. Por este motivo, o processo de pesquisa geralmente não pode ser um processo contínuo, uma vez que existem algumas interrupções no mesmo para manualmente validar todos os desenvolvimentos anteriores. O processo de calibração baseado em trabalho manual ´e fundamental para uma grande parte das conclusões, mas a maior parte da lógica de calibração pode ser implementada e executada por uma máquina que automatiza o processo, recolhe os dados e gera a saída necessária para posterior analise do investigador. O objetivo principal desta tese de mestrado ´e otimizar o processo de calibração construindo uma caixa de calibração totalmente configurável e que pode ser replicada, substituindo as etapas manuais do investigador durante o teste das membranas. Neste relatório, é possível encontrar a arquitetura de hardware e software selecionada e utilizada bem como a lógica implementada para alcançar a automação desses processos. A arquitetura e a implementação foram projetadas para poder trabalhar com um potenciómetro digital (Potenciómetro de pH Crison GLP 21) e uma bomba de fluido (Legato 100). A solução contém quatro componentes principais: • Dispositivos Externos (Medidor de pH Digital, Bomba Peristáltica Digital); • Server side web services e aplicação Web; • Cloud Based Deployment (Serverless, Storage, Database); • Caixa de automação (Hardware); A implementação desta tese utiliza as seguintes tecnologias: • Código: Java, Spring Boot, Spring Data; • Dados: JSON, Excel XML OpenFormat, PostgresSQL; • Hardware: RaspberryPi, Relay Boards, LCD Display, Button, LED; • I/O: Ethernet, USB to RS232, RCA, BNC ; • Cloud: Heroku Serverless; Heroku PostgresSQL; Amazon S3 Storage; Todas as membranas utilizadas foram desenvolvidas por investigadores da BioMark

    Perceived stress in obsessive-compulsive disorder is related with obsessive but not cmpulsive symptoms

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    Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is achronic psychiatric disorder characterized by recurrent intrusive thoughts and/or repetitive compulsory behaviors. This psychiatric disorder is known to be stress responsive, as symptoms increase during periods of stress but also because stressful events may precede the onset of OCD. However, only a few and inconsistent reports have been published about the stress perception and the stress-response in these patients. Herein, we have characterized the correlations of OCD symptoms with basal serum cortisol levels and scores in a stress perceived questionnaire (PSS-10). The present data reveals that cortisol levels and the stress scores in the PSS-10 were significantly higher in OCD patients that in controls. Moreover, stress levels self-reported by patients using the PSS-10 correlated positively with OCD severity in the Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale (Y–BOCS). Interestingly, PSS-10 scores correlated with the obsessive component, but not with the compulsive component, of Y–BOCS. These results confirm that stress is relevant in the context of OCD, particularly for the obsessive symptomatology.Pedro Morgado is supported by a fellowship “SFRH/SINTD/60129/2009” funded by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology. Supported by FEDER funds through Operational program for competitive factors – COMPETE and by national funds through FCT –Foundation for Science and Technology to project “PTDC/SAU-NSC/111814/2009.

    Resposta Neuronal ao Stress

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    Em termos biológicos, o stresse representa qualquer estímulo percepcionado pelo organismo como uma ameaça (potencial ou real) para o seu equilíbrio. Quando confrontados com estímulos stressantes, os organismos vivos iniciam uma série de respostas com vista à manutenção da homeostasia e à formação de memórias que permitam respostas proporcionadas em situações idênticas futuras. Contudo, quando activados contínua ou excessivamente, os sistemas de resposta ao stresse podem tornar-se prejudiciais, condicionando défices funcionais importantesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cotard syndrome without depressive symptoms in a schizophrenic patient

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    Cotard Syndrome without Depressive Symptoms in a Schizophrenic PatientIntroduction . Cotard syndrome is a rare condition characterized by nihilistic delusions concerning body or life that can be found in several neuropsychiatry conditions. It is typically associated with depressive symptoms. Method . We present a case of Cotard syndrome without depressive symptoms in the context of known paranoid schizophrenia. A literature review of Cotard syndrome in schizophrenia was performed. Results . Although there are few descriptions of this syndrome in schizophrenia, patients usually present depressive mood and psychomotor retardation, features not seen in our patient. Loss of the sense of the inner self, present in schizophrenia, could explain patient’s symptomatology but neurobiological bases of this syndrome remain unclear. Conclusion . Despite not being considered in actual classifications, Cotard syndrome is still relevant and psychiatric evaluation is critical to diagnosing and treating this condition in psychiatric patients

    Stress Transiently Affects Pavlovian-to-Instrumental Transfer

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    Stress has a strong impact in the brain, impairing decision-making processes as a result of changes in circuits involving the prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortices and the striatum. Given that these same circuits are key for action control and outcome encoding, we hypothesized that adaptive responses to which these are essential functions, could also be targeted by stress. To test this hypothesis we herein assessed the impact of chronic stress in a Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer (PIT) paradigm, a model of an adaptive response in which a previously conditioned cue biases an instrumental goal-directed action. Data reveals that rats submitted to chronic unpredictable stress did not display deficits in pavlovian conditioning nor on the learning of the instrumental task, but were impaired in PIT; importantly, after a stress-free period the PIT deficits were no longer observed. These results are relevant to understand how stress biases multiple incentive processes that contribute to instrumental performance